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3 Jennifer Hillier Books To Add To Your TBR!


Have you read any Jennifer Hillier books yet? They keep me captivated from the first word in her books! I could not get through her reads fast enough. Again, I love dark thrillers and these are solidly in this category.

Jar of Hearts is about three best friends. One is murdered as a teen, one ends up in jail, and the other goes about her life carrying a dark secret. That is, until the true starts to come out years later. This book had some hard to read chapters but I couldn't put it down!

Little Secrets is about Marin's life after her son is kidnapped. The terror of the days and months after are torturous and the truth of it all is just as painful.

Creep is on my TBR and I plan to read it very soon. It is a story about obsession and not knowing boundaries. There is a sequel to this book called Freak too. I have been keeping my eye open for a copy to add to my TBR.

Note: Creep isn't available on Amazon at this time. I found my copy at a second hand book "swap"/warehouse. There are several second hand online stores that are awesome.

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